What could I possibly buy for the man who provided food on the table, clothes on my back, a roof over my head, moral lessons to live by, a work ethic that never quit, and a knowledge base of the family business that now allows me to provide for my own family? This is about more than gratitude, hugs, and love. It is more than just saying “thank you” for such a life. It is the consistency of being a father that counts. It is about being present in all the moments that make up a bad day, and celebrating all the good days. It is about loving and cherishing life to its fullest in each passing moment. It is about handing down the family lore, passion, and ways of expression. It’s about sharing laughs, meals, and daily lessons. It is about the privilege of growing old together – not feebly, but wisely, and with the stamina to withstand age. It is about friendship and compassion.
I am trying to create a legacy for the namesake business, one whose reputation has stood for 55 years. My constant goal is to cement integrity, quality, and a zeal for detail into everything we do for our clientele, because we think of them as extensions of our own family. We serve generations of families, new clients, and others who will come to know us. The shop will continue to evolve and grow to its next peak, while the underlying DNA of the shop will be what we tread upon. It is a path that was laid long ago.
The man who pioneered that path for others to follow is now enjoying a life of retirement – one where family are more present than ever before, laughs are more consistent, and new kinds of memories are being created, away from the shop he grew. While some memories last a lifetime, and others are fleeting, it is the feeling of continual love and support that matters most.
I wish a very happy and love-filled Father’s Day to my own dad, and to all dads around the world.
Kory Helfman
Dallas Haberdasher
Ken’s Man’s Shop