MORE Haberdashery News – April 2022

Preston Royal Pedal 2022

These happy riders rode and donated in 2021.

Sunday, April 24th: 9:30am to 1pm

This is the second year of the Preston Royal Pedal! Last year we had about 60 riders of all ages for the four-hour event. We were assisted by T. J.’s Seafood, Royal China, The Toy Maven, Cousin Earl, Cyro One, and Edens (our landlord). This year, Edens is once again participating in this community event along with 18 of the local tenants, plus some help from some of the nationwide tenants as well.

The goal is to raise donations of canned food items for the North Texas Food Bank. To participate in the Preston Royal Pedal, each individual must contribute two or more food items. In 2021 we donated over 800 pounds of food, and raised $1600 for the NTFB. We really want to go “Dallas big” this year! For those who can not participate in the event itself, we have set up a donations page to contribute to the cause.

Click here to donate!

This event is about the people and families of the communities in which we live. It is about celebrating health while setting an example for our children. It is also a simple way to give back to charity, while enjoying the beautiful Dallas spring.

Want to help spread the word? Share our press release

Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 8th

We have partnered with Beauty by Apothecary for this year’s Mother’s Day gift boxes! We will have examples of these boxes at the shop for pre-ordering – please let your haberdashers know if you would like to order one.

“Me Time” Home Spa Experience: $150

The Essential Facial Care Gift Set: $120

Your Ken’s Gift Cards are on the way!

This season we are doing something a little more special and placing our gift cards back in the mail in lieu of sending them to you online. Here are some of the reasons:

  • We have missed you!
  • We look forward to catching up with you and your families!
  • We are a good reason to get out of the house!
  • We know you’ve got formal events coming up soon!
  • We’re a great place to get some retail therapy!
  • We can get you out of the endless cycle of  PJs, robes, boxers, and lounge wear!
  • We can help you with any size changes you’ve experienced over the past year!
  • We pour a good drink!

Holiday Weekend

Passover and Easter, celebrated as one! My family is blessed to be together under the same roof this year to celebrate the holiday weekend. This is almost like a second “Christmas” for our family, complete with the best gift of all –  sharing time together.

May you and your families experience similar blessings in love and togetherness, for this and many more holidays!

Happy Easter, and Happy Passover!