Twenty-twenty vision indicates that we have a clear view of what is in front of us. Our hope is that the year 2020 will bring similar clarity: being perceptive (and hopefully receptive) not only to what we see up ahead, but to everything that we can dream for our future. In reflecting on the decade from 2010 to now, it is amazing to see all the things that have been accomplished, learn about the people behind those accomplishments, and hear their stories. Here is Ken’s own recap of the past decade, and our hopes for 2020 and beyond.
Over the past ten years, we have been blessed to cross paths with so many incredible people. While watching new relationships take root and blossom, we have also been saddened by too many sudden losses of close friends and clients, and we send a heartfelt blessing to those who moved on in the past decade (including many of my own family members). We speak of them to keep their memories alive, and to honor the impact they made in our lives.
The amount of clientele who are new arrivals to the Dallas-Fort Worth area is astounding, and it’s especially fascinating to see how the changing population is transforming Preston Hollow, University Park, North Dallas, and all the other areas of our wonderful city. Whether the newcomers arrive from California, New York, or anywhere in between, we continue to embrace them in our best Texan way. May they understand that being Texan is a way of life rather than a way of living. They may have moved to Dallas simply for a fresh start and better business atmosphere, but what they will find once they get settled here is an easier groove, a vibrant and diverse culture, incredible food and places to visit, endless shopping opportunities, and some breathtakingly beautiful and tranquil spaces. Plus, we Dallasites are really nice people who know how to have a good time.
My father retired in 2018. I miss working with him every day, even though he is still right down Royal Ln at his house. We speak weekly on many topics. Number one are the clientele who drop by to say hello, and who often have stories to recount about him. I repeat these stories to him every time I hear one. It keeps us close, and it helps Ken understand just how important he is to so many people. My father is my blessing, for without him I could not carry on the family business and namesake. 2020 will be about continuing to honor him, but also about taking my own stand in the art of the haberdashery. I look forward to bringing our family business into the future by moving forward on many fronts. We will explore new horizons in our online presence, but always in the Ken’s way of doing business. We do not want to follow others, but rather set our own standards as a touchstone for others to follow. There will also be more selections in the Ken’s brand throughout the shop. The haberdashers at Ken’s have a selective and detailed eye for all things in the realm of men’s clothing and accessories. We remain dedicated to our passion for the continual growth of men’s fashion and experiences.
This next decade is going to be a pivotal one in retail. Think about all that happened in the ten years after 2000, and then again between 2010 and now. It is easy to see that the 2020s will be a decade of growth and changes in tech, IoT, DIY, and shopping. What will remain the same, however, is the way we treat each other – how we provide and follow through with service, how we maintain and grow relationships, and how we maintain our humanity in a world that is increasingly run by machines. Our priority at Kens is to stay true to our DNA. We will continue to foster a uniquely welcoming environment that feels like home every time you walk through the door. Without that human element in retail, we would miss the purpose of community, family, and understanding the needs of our clients, all of which are immensely important to us.
Everything is cyclical. Fashions come around time and time again. This decade will turn the tides. We will see an explosion of affordable and fashionable advances in everyday clothing, including more creative ways to incorporate wireless tech, UV protection, moisture wicking, and fabrics that are stretchable and breathable. These trends will accelerate toward the end of the 2020s, but they are already starting to pick up speed now. Ken’s will be a part of the tech revolution in retail, but at the heart of our operation we will keep doing things the Ken’s way.
Before we begin anew with a fresh decade, let’s take time to reflect on the past ten years. This period before the new year is a good opportunity to take stock of our actions and experiences, and think about how we can use them as our springboard into the twenties.
We wish you all the blessings in the world this holiday season, and we look forward to growing and thriving with you in 2020 and beyond.
Kory Helfman
Ken’s Man’s Shop
Dallas Haberdasher