Your Ken’s team: Sigi, Carolina, Kory, Mark, and John.
This being our 57th year in business, we understand that everyone’s situation is different than it was a year ago. Let us be a guide for you during this unsettling time. Your Ken’s team of haberdashers are more than retail and custom specialists. Each month we speak with people throughout the industry and listen to their stories. This assists us in helping others who are going through changes with business, life, and family.
Of course we are not as essential as our front line workers in the hospitals, testing centers, or emergency services. We are a group of haberdashers who love helping our loyal clientele and community in any way we can. Let us be essential for you.
Your Ken’s haberdashers are still smiling (can you see that?) and we are elated to be here for any of your haberdashery needs – no matter if we are in masks, face shields, or any other type of protective safety wear or gear.
Like a lot of businesses, during this Covid year we have really grown in our ability to pivot quickly. We’ve created masks, made changes to our fall inventory, and opened an online store. It doesn’t end there, though – your haberdashers love coming up with new and exciting items for you. Be ready, because this fall we will be introducing some of those new ideas for you to try out and get compliments on!
Ken’s masks are back in stock!
Ken’s handmade masks are back in stock in the shop. For this round we are using Robert Talbot dress shirt two-ply 120s cotton. We will have two colors available for purchase, each with its own personal mask bag.
I personally own seven masks, and still seem to be on the lookout for new ones. The mask trend isn’t going away anytime soon, and community protection and support is of the utmost importance. Masks are the new reading glasses – one on every surface, in the car, at work… everywhere.
Please call, text, or email for yours today – we “seam” to go through them quickly!
Zoom calls
Your haberdashers are preparing for the fall 2020 season. We have already changed our strategy to reflect what is happening in the world. Most businesses are going to continue operating online through the remainder of the year, limiting the amount of time workers are actually present in the workplace.
The Ken’s team would love to hear what you would like to be wearing for your online conference calls this fall. We have already designed some new pieces that we believe will be the next big “Zoom” thing!
Imagine the weather getting cooler (tough today, since it is 102 degrees!) and the nights crisp. Would you rather be in a hoodie, a cardigan, a sweater, or a soft, comfy jacket for layering? Do you see yourself wearing a mask every time you go out, or would you sometimes prefer a luxe scarf in lieu of the mask? Are you anticipating a lot of time at home? If so, will you need sweatpants, jeans, khakis, or a lululemon-style pant, which Ken’s will have this fall?
There are many things to consider for the fall of 2020, and your haberdashers are all ears! Please send us your thoughts, or just drop in to talk shop!
Shop local,
Shop often,
Shop with care
This goes without saying, but the need is very real.
Shopping local will always be good for our community. If you check in with us at least once a month, we can keep you informed about new products and services, and your visits help our small business. “Shopping with care” is one of our new store mantras. Here are some bullet points of our safety guidelines:
- The shop is cleaned before opening and after closing.
- Items that are tried on stay off the floor for a minimum of 24 hours, and are either dry cleaned or steamed.
- Every touched surface is wiped down after a client leaves the shop.
- Masks are worn at all times inside the shop.
- Custom measurements are taken with gloves on.
- Drop-off services are still available.
- Free shipping is available within the metroplex for purchases over $250.
- Curbside pickup is still available.
- Home visits are available provided that safety guidelines can be followed.
Rather than heading to big-box retailers during these next few months, please consider shopping local instead. By doing so you can help boost our economy, demonstrate pride in your community, and pass the “buck” within our little village of Dallas, Texas.
Ken’s appreciates each and every client, and we’re committed to giving you the best service, engagement, and quality of selection. We are grateful for your loyalty and friendship.
Kory Helfman
Ken’s Man’s Shop
Dallas Haberdasher