Can you feel it? Things are beginning to shift below the surface, energy building for a new season. Yes, spring is about renewal, growth, and shedding off the winter. Yet September is a time for reflection and preparation, and that’s another kind of fresh start. The kids (and some of the adults) are starting a new school year, the most popular American sports are building momentum for the season, and the wave of holidays and family gatherings is right around the corner. With so much up in the air, it’s time to think about our own personal metamorphoses. We can alter the summer person we were simply by changing out of those clothes (literally!), and making some wardrobe updates for the fall and winter.
A lot of companies take a relaxed approach to their summer dress codes. Polo shirts are the norm to wear to work during the hotter months, paired with khakis, jeans, or slacks. When September rolls around, though, it’s time to head back toward smarter business attire. Sport coats, blazers, and slacks are reappearing, with or without neck wear. Suits are back in the weekly rotation. As we move into the deep fall the layering will begin in earnest, with either a vest or sweater under the coat, or an outerwear jacket on top. It’s an interesting and creative period – the layered looks of fall are always a highlight of fashion for men.
So right now is the time to really consider what’s in our closets and contemplate some updates. We all need to pull out our sweaters to see if they survived without injury (moth holes), and to assess what can be put back into play for the coming season. The rule of thumb is, if you haven’t worn something in over two years, you’ll probably never wear it again. Donate those sweaters to Ken’s, and let us handle them for you. Same with all the slacks, dress shirts, coats, suits, ties, and suits. It’s important to take the time to try everything on again and see how each item fits right now. You can ask these questions while standing in front of a full-length mirror:
- Do I see myself wearing this again?
- Will I actually wear it again?
- Does it reflect who I am right now?
- Does it fit properly?
If the answer to any of these questions is no… then it’s time to donate the old and have some fun choosing something new, shake things up a little bit.
Everyone in Dallas is excited about the prospect of moving past this heat and into the coolness of fall. Let’s make sure we do so with a fresh outlook – it’s time to bring something new into our wardrobes to make the change complete.
Kory Helfman
Dallas Haberdasher
Ken’s Man’s Shop