Lessons Learned
I was on a retailers’ Zoom call with stores across the country. At the end of the conference call one of the members asked the group, “what have we all learned from Covid?” There was complete silence as we absorbed the question that lingered like a right cross to the jaw. It must have left a bruise, because the question kept coming back to me over the next few days.
Perseverance is the obvious word that comes to mind – not only because of Covid-19, but also the tornado last October, and the wind storm before that in June. However, the lesson from these events goes farther than just the determination to push through challenging times. It’s about reminding ourselves that life is short, and how important it is to prioritize the things that matter, like:
- spending quality time with family and friends
- telling the people in our lives what they mean to us
- making time for physical and mental health
- moving away from distractions and focusing on what we really want to do
- finding ways to laugh more often
- getting rid of unwanted items and clutter
- reading more and watching less TV
- strengthening and growing our inner circles
- appreciating kindness while celebrating loyalty
- being thankful for everything and taking nothing for granted
This Thanksgiving season will be very different from past years. It will just be me and my two sons, FaceTiming and Zooming our family as we prepare the holiday meals. I will miss the hugs, stories, games, more stories, eating together, and coming back for seconds at halftime during the Cowboys game. I’ll also miss catching up with all the grandkids about college, and talking to my siblings about life, family, and business.
The same goes for our special clientele who frequent Ken’s. They are the lifeblood of the store, and the reason why we do what we do. We haberdashers greatly miss the weekly tales and visits from your families. We appreciate the kindness, support, and love you all have given us these past eighteen months. We will continue to pivot, add new exciting products, and keep current with the world of business dress as we move away from Covid and toward a new normal.
Holiday Safety, Ease of Shopping, and Small Business Weekend
As 2020 comes to a close and we welcome the beginning of 2021, we still need to be vigilant in our safety measures. We will continue to sanitize properly, enforce mask-wearing, and maintain the appropriate social distance.
Beyond all these safety measures, we have also expanded our online presence for those unable to shop in-store. Our online shop now better reflects what is inside Ken’s. If you would like to see something that is not on our online site, please call or text us so we can get it to you (or show you a preview).
All items purchased online can be gift-wrapped free of charge. If you cannot decide on a gift this holiday season, please remember that we have Gift Cards available online as well for your convenience.
After Thanksgiving, Ken’s will be celebrating Small Business Saturday on both Friday and Saturday. This year we are inviting you to shop either in-store or online, with a 25% discount off your entire purchase.
Please contact us by phone, email, or text message, and let your haberdashers know the best way to assist you this holiday season.
A healthy, happy, and safe Thanksgiving to all.
Sending blessings and virtual hugs!
Kory Helfman
Ken’s Man’s Shop
Dallas Haberdasher